Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Favorite Things Event"

We had a FABULOUS time today at the "favorite things event" at Carol's church.  Here are a few pictures I have from this morning :).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SBS 10-28

Once again, I hope you had a great weekend! Just wanted to send out a weekly reminder for SBS this: Thursday 10/28 from 6:45pm-8:45pm at Renee's apartment, B-307.   For those of you coming from off campus, it is on the opposite side of my apartment.  You can still call Cory at 450 to get in and he will try to remember to buzz you through the south gate (left hand side).  You can park in any uncovered spot ;).  It will be a social night and Maria will be bringing snacks :).

Also, for those of you attending the "Favorite Things Event" I did email Carol and she told me that it was a casual event, so where whatever makes you comfortable :).  The event is this Saturday, Oct. 30th from 8:30-11:30 am and there will not be childcare, so please make arrangements ahead of time ;).  Carol will be there ahead of time greeting, but said she will reserve a table for us :).  Please let me know if you want to carpool from on-campus housing.  If you want to carpool please email me by thursday or tell me at the meeting time.  I will let you know details after that.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SBS meeting 10/7

Hello ladies!

Just a friendly reminder that we have our SBS meeting this week at my apartment over at on-campus housing in apartment K-101.  If you are coming from off campus I can buzz you in if you type in the number 450 from the call box and press call. 

We will begin our bible study series on the book of Esther.  This week we will watch the introduction segment of the video.  We will start the video at 7pm sharp, but you are welcome to start showing up at 6:45pm.  We look forward to beginning this bible study with you! 

If you have any questions please let us know.  Also, just a reminder to bring $20 to Adriane Jahnke if you ordered the workbook for the bible study.  Thanks Ladies ;).
See you thursday!

Peace, Athena